Steve Nass
State Senator
Senate District 11
Representative Nass’ public life began when he was elected to the Whitewater City Council in 1977 and served as Council President from 1978-81. In addition, Representative Nass was a member of the UW-Whitewater Board of Visitors from 1979 to 1989 and was a member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard from 1972 until his retirement in September 2005. Before his election to the State Assembly on November 7, 1990, Representative Nass was employed as an information analyst and negotiator with the Wisconsin Association of School Boards and later as a payroll benefits analyst for the state Department of Health and Family Services. Nass was also employed by Sentry Foods for seven years. Nass currently owns and manages a small rental housing business with several properties in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Representative Nass is a member of the following Assembly committees this session (2013-2014): Committee on Colleges and Universities (Chairman); Committee on Education; Committee on Labor; Committee on Housing and Real Estate; Committee on State and Local Finance; and the Committee on Government Operations and State Licenses.