Capitalism and the ability to open and operate commercial entities, or business, is another bedrock of American society. Policies that interfere with this via government intervention and control of business are bad for the American Economy. For over 200 years Americans have been able to achieve their own success, with the comfort of a safety net in the event that they make a mister or fail.
Government policies that interfere with this personal achievement are counter to the American approach to personal accountability. For too long, the federal and state governments have made policy decisions that interfere with the natural growth of the economy and we are now feeling the effects when we go to the grocery store, look to buy a home or purchase a car to get to and from work.
Conservatives are in favor of less government interference in the economy, equal opportunity and personal achievement, which has always been the American dream. If you are feeling the negative effects of the liberal approach to the economy, conservatives agree with you.
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